Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Family Room Dynamics

I recently met with a home owner in Carrollton, TX who said she wanted to stage her home, but she didn't want to sell her home. She wanted a "model home" look so that she could enjoy her house and I said, "I can help!"

She gave me the grand tour of her home and proceeded to tell me what she liked and disliked about each room. We ended up in the family room where she said that she wanted it to look inviting and accommodate the adults. She had recently changed the drapes and pillows but the furniture arrangement wasn't working. In fact she said that when her family of six gathered to watch TV, her seat was on the floor!

The home owner and I quickly began to move the furniture. Here is a before photo:
As you can see, there is no focal point and the furniture is not set up for intimate conversations. The TV is not easy to view either! So, this is what we did:
1. We pulled the sofa away from the wall and into the room. We placed it across from the fireplace, directing the attention there.
2. The corner to the left of the fireplace is where the TV will find it's new home. It will be easier to view.
3. The chair was moved next to the sofa to encourage conversation.
4. The homeowner had a coffee table that she brought out and I accessorized it with items she had around the house.
5. I leaned a different piece of art on the mantle for color and drama.
Here is a different view of the room before the redesign:

And here is the room after the redesign.

We used what the homeowner had in her home for the redesign.
In order to complete the room I made the following recommendations:
1. Hook up the cable at the opposite side of the room.
2. Purchase a sofa table with cubbies that will hold baskets of toys for her young son and place it behind the sofa.
3. Bring down the leather chair from the loft that doesn't get any use and place it to the right of the fireplace.
4.Purchase a side table and place it between the sofa and chair.
5. Purchase a lamp with a satin nickel finish and make sure that it's taller than the furniture and place it on the side table.
6. Add a potted plant next to the side table.
This homeowner has a plan for a sensational family room. She can complete the room over time, adding furniture and accessories as she likes! And, hopefully, with the extra chair, she won't have to sit on the floor!
Holly Bellomy
Dallas Home Staging Consultant


KarenE said...

Great job Holly!
Looks like you managed to find a good hiding place for the toys as well. More owners need to realize professional home stagers can also stage to STAY!

Karen Eubank
Eubank Staging

Holly Bellomy said...

Thanks, Karen!