Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Before and After Photos-Home Makeover

We surprised Mendy and her 4 children with a "One Day Home Makeover" of the following rooms: living, dining, master suite and kitchen. We will choose another lucky homeowner for a home makeover in October!

Enjoy the photos!

Dining Room before

Working on the Dining Room- Cindy, Holly, Merina and Jan

The redesigned Dining Room with Jan and Me! We painted the walls Macadamia from Sherwin Williams. Jan found this refurbished table, now there is plenty of space for Mendy and her 4 kids.

The Living Room before

The Living Room after

The living room before

The living room after. We put Mendy's kitchen table behind the loveseat so the family could play board games/cards or do homework.

The master bathroom before

The master bathroom after

Master bedroom before
The master bedroom after

The sitting area before

The sitting area after
The sitting area after with Cindy and Merina

The kitchen after

Now, the Big Reveal:

One Great Team!
home staging, interior decoarating