Saturday, August 30, 2008

Coffee Tables with Pizazz- Allen, Plano, McKinney Real Estate Stager

Here are a few of my favorite coffee tables that I have had the opportunity to decorate. All of the tables were decorated with items that I found in my clients' homes -nothing new was purchased!

This coffee table above is made of petrified wood and has great texture and rustic appeal. This homeowner had a collection of decorating books, a vase of bamboo that I found in the kitchen, a fossil that resembles a snail shell and a carved box of wood. I think all of the natural elements are beautiful!

Here is a traditional coffee table with two bronze figures, greenery, and a very special book.

This coffee table is decorated with the Fairmont Urn from Southern Living at Home. I added faux greenery and fresh bird of paradise to give it some flair. I really like orange!

This coffee table has great details. It is decorated with, again, more books to add height to the urn, a silver box and greenery. This look is very romantic!

This is a great Arts and Crafts table. I added round shaped pottery and carved wooden pieces to compliment the table.

This is a simple table with a wood top and iron base. The owner had this beautiful bromeliad plant on a built in shelf. It adds color and interest to the coffee table. The candle stick holder is iron, which coordinates with the table and I liked the tambourines that the home owner picked up while traveling abroad, so I had to use them!

Let me know which table is your favorite. Be one of the first 5 people to reply and you will receive 25% off the redesign services of your choice!
I would be happy to help you decorate your coffee table with your special collectibles and treasures or I would be happy to shop for those special items that will make your room complete!
Call me today at:
Holly Bellomy