Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wintry White Mantle Display

Creating a mantle display for winter is easy!

Follow this formula to create your own display by using the things you already own!

1. Place a trio of candles in the center of your mantle. Choose taper candles( try a group of 5 if you use these) or pillar candles. Any color candle will work as long as the candles coordinate with the other items on your mantle. Any type of candle holder is great, too. I had these glass candle holders in my master bedroom and chose these for for their cool, icy appearance.

2. Set a glass jar on one end. Add faux snow and a pine cone to it. Shop your home for any glass vessel. To add height to a short glass jar, place it on some hard bound books or a cake pedestal.
If you don't have a pine cone, any bit of nature will work. Consider a small twig, evergreen branch, some fall leaves or a poinsettia flower.

3. Bring in a small garden statue or other garden ornament. I like this angel statue, it's made of a light weight resin and it's very peaceful to look at!

4. Add garland to the front of your mantle. I wanted a fresh approach to the traditional evergreen pine garland, so I chose this eucalyptus garland. There are 2 stands draped together here and I found them at Hobby Lobby. However, if you have pine garlands, use them!

5. Add an element of surprise. Did you notice the white dove in the garland? I like to have fun when I decorate so I always try to incorporate a small, unexpected item, color or texture.
Have fun creating your wintry mantle display!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The #1 Mistake Most Home Sellers Make (staging Allen, McKinney, Fairview, Lucas, Plano, Frisco)

According to HGTV, selling your home "as is" is the #1 mistake that most home sellers make.

Check out this clip that was posted on You Tube for more information.

Call me for your Real Estate Staging needs. I can help take the stress out of preparing your home for sale. I can stage your home so that it appeals to a broad range of buyers, while keeping in mind that you still need to live in it!

All the best,

Monday, November 10, 2008

Free Seminar

Seasonal Decorating plus Buying and Selling Real Estate in Today's Market

Join us for tips and ideas for selling and decorating your home!

Tuesday, November 18th
1607 Harvest Glen Drive, Allen, TX 75002

Bring your questions for our panel of experts:

Roxanne Hopewell, Realtor
Coldwell Banker

Bruce Hopewell, Inspector
McCool's Property Inspections

Fay Hendon
Service First Mortgage

Holly Bellomy, IRIS
Certified Stager and Interior Redesigner

We will have a drawing for a FREE room staging or redesign and a FREE attic inspection to assess possible energy loss!

Please call me if you will attend, I need to plan for refreshments! 214-532-9677

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Masterbedroom Makeover, McKinney TX Redesigner/Decorator

My friend, Kelly, decided to surprise her husband, Kevin, with a master bedroom makeover for their 10th wedding anniversary. After Kelly and her husband left for the weekend, my assistants and I quickly got to work. We cleared the room, primed and painted the walls, oiled the furniture, and switched the brass ceiling fan with one we found in their daughter's room that had a sophisticated rubbed oil finish.

Prior to the weekend of the makeover I helped Kelly pick new bedding, lamps, paint, and drapes that would suit Kevin's taste and style. To personalize their room, Kelly ordered a vinyl expression from Uppercase Living that says, "To Infinity and Beyond". This is their relationship motto from one of Kevin's favorite movies, Toy Story. We could not apply it to the freshly painted walls, so we taped it up just for the surprise reveal. Kevin and Kelly are thrilled with their new room.
Check out the before and after pictures below and let me know who you would like to surprise!
For more decorating ideas go to:

Friday, October 10, 2008

Get Redesigned!

October is IRIS (Interior Redesign Industry Specialists) get redesigned month! To celebrate I am offering a special deal this month. Purchase one hour of redesign services and get one hour FREE!

This offer is also good for gift certificates that are purchased in October (you'll have 6 months to redeem them). Certificates are great Christmas, wedding, bridal shower, or birthday gifts!

Let's celebrate and get redesigned!

Holly, your Redesigner for Allen, Plano, McKinney and surrounding areas

Friday, September 12, 2008

Save 15% at Williams Sonoma Home (Allen, TX)

For a limited time you can take 15% off of any Williams Sonoma Home order, with the purchase of one hour or more of design consulting services. Contact Holly Bellomy to schedule your appointment.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Coffee Tables with Pizazz- Allen, Plano, McKinney Real Estate Stager

Here are a few of my favorite coffee tables that I have had the opportunity to decorate. All of the tables were decorated with items that I found in my clients' homes -nothing new was purchased!

This coffee table above is made of petrified wood and has great texture and rustic appeal. This homeowner had a collection of decorating books, a vase of bamboo that I found in the kitchen, a fossil that resembles a snail shell and a carved box of wood. I think all of the natural elements are beautiful!

Here is a traditional coffee table with two bronze figures, greenery, and a very special book.

This coffee table is decorated with the Fairmont Urn from Southern Living at Home. I added faux greenery and fresh bird of paradise to give it some flair. I really like orange!

This coffee table has great details. It is decorated with, again, more books to add height to the urn, a silver box and greenery. This look is very romantic!

This is a great Arts and Crafts table. I added round shaped pottery and carved wooden pieces to compliment the table.

This is a simple table with a wood top and iron base. The owner had this beautiful bromeliad plant on a built in shelf. It adds color and interest to the coffee table. The candle stick holder is iron, which coordinates with the table and I liked the tambourines that the home owner picked up while traveling abroad, so I had to use them!

Let me know which table is your favorite. Be one of the first 5 people to reply and you will receive 25% off the redesign services of your choice!
I would be happy to help you decorate your coffee table with your special collectibles and treasures or I would be happy to shop for those special items that will make your room complete!
Call me today at:
Holly Bellomy

Monday, July 14, 2008

Staged Homes Sell Quickly- Allen, McKinney, Plano Home Stager

I work with Holly to give me the best opportunity possible to sell my homes quicker. Especially in a stale market like this, agents and sellers alike need to take advantage of all resources available to move property. Any agent that has ever shown a property knows that buyers can get turned off from great homes because they just aren’t staged correctly. We need our sellers to realize that stagers help sell. Marketing your property within the walls of the home is very important. Many agents just list to get listings and are not worried about the time on the market, but for an agent that cares about their clients and wants to move property quicker, there is no better way than to invest in a stager.

Justin Phillips
Westbrook Brokerage Firm, LLC

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Creating a Mood with Color (Collin County, Allen TX decorator)

You have probably heard that painting your walls is the fastest and least expensive way to make a big change in the look and feel of a room. This is true! I wanted to change the "mood" of my master bedroom so I took out my roller and I went to Sherwin Williams paint store and ordered my paint! I took the following photo of my master bedroom before I painted it. The brown walls are warm and rich. When I painted them I wanted a cozy feeling room.

We have lived in our home for more than 3 years and I needed a change, so I painted the walls a soft blue color. The bedding and wall art is the same. I added silver framed pictures of my family and a couple of apothecary jars which hold sea shells. The shells remind me of the beaches of California where I spent many summer days. The blue walls are serene and cool...just what I needed!

As you can see, paint color makes a difference.

Consider painting your walls if:
1. You are selling you home
2. You crave a big change and don't want to spend a lot of money
3. You have purchased new furniture or bedding
4. Your current wall paint is chipped or faded
5. You want to update the look of your room

Whether you are selling your house, moving into a new one, or just wanting a change, I can help you choose the paint color for your walls!

Happy Painting,
Holly Bellomy

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spruce up Your Room with Color (Stager, Lucas, Allen, McKinney, Fairview, Plano,TX)

The family room at the left has neutral carpet and furnishings. This is the perfect start for a great looking room! By adding pillows, a throw, an area rug, art, and pottery in an analogous color scheme we will spruce up this room.
An analogous color scheme consists of two or more colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. We'll be using blue and green.

This is the room after we added our textiles. The soft shades of aqua and sage look cool and comforting. The area rug with navy blue accents helps to "anchor" the scheme. The beautiful bromeliad plant that was hiding in the built ins adds another shade of green and great texture with its foliage as does the silk ficus tree. The dark red lamp contrasts nicely with the blue and green shades.

Look at this beautiful mantle and built-in shelves! These are great places to add splashes of color!

The owner of this home had this beautiful reproduction by Vincent van Gogh in another room. Its frame matches the mantle and it ties in beautifully with the pillows. The turquoise and aqua pottery add more great color.

Do you have a room that needs a little color? Call me at 214-532-9677.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Group Similar Pieces of Art (Designer Allen, Plano, McKinney, Lucas, Fairview, TX)

When hanging art on a wall, group items that are alike.
Here are some examples of art that can be grouped for a beautiful display:

1. Black and white photos

2. Art with frames that are the same color

3. Paintings

4. Art with a similar theme

5. Photos of places you have traveled

6. Sets or series of art

This arrangement is composed of 4 pieces of art with the same theme. Here are two prints by the same photographer.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Remove the Block of Knives Before Listing Your Home (Staging Allen, Plano,McKinney, Lucas, Fairview, TX)

I would like to share a story that was shared with me by a fellow IRIS member, Lucy Butcher. A few years back, Lucy's friend who was a realtor, received a phone call from a man who wanted to see a home that was for sale. Lucy's friend met with the man to show him the home. While in the kitchen, the man grabbed a knife from the block on the counter and stabbed her and almost killed her.

You never know who will be walking through your home once it is listed so it is a good idea to take precaution. Lucy suggessts removing all sharp items from counters and drawers. If it is necessary to keep knives or other objects in the kitchen, she suggests placing them in a cabinet under the counter with the handles facing away from the doors (for knives in a block) and all other sharp items should be placed in a plastic bag under the counter as well. If you have young children, make sure that you have safety latches on the cabinets where you store the sharp implements.

Let's keep our realtors safe!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Screen Gets Reinvented (Decorator/Redesigner Allen, Plano, McKinney, Lucas, Fairview, TX)

We all have great things hanging around in our homes, some of us have lots of great things, but it just takes a few special items and a little creativity to use those items to their best advantage. Take a look at the following photos. The first photo reveals an average bedroom with great color on the walls. The arrangement of the rooms contents make it look ordinary. I moved the bed to the larger wall and placed the screen behind it. The screen has great texture and height and it makes a delightful headboard.

I can help you arrange your special items, too!
